The biggest rant I can think of is some of my frustrations while driving! I can really see why everyone says that Utah has the dumbest and worst drivers in the nation.
For example, I'm driving down State Street at 45-50 MPH and someone shortly ahead of me decides it would be a good idea to pull out in front of me and begin going 30 MPH. Similarly, is when someone merges into my lane and is going slower than me causing for me to have to brake.
Most Utah drivers also don't seem to know how to use a shared turning lane and also the right shoulder of the road for turning right. I get behind too many people who will almost come to complete stops in the right lane, holding up 4-5 cars behind them (causing everyone to have to brake) before they are able to take their right turn from the lane of traffic.
On 2-lane highways, and even Geneva Road, for example, nobody seems to realize the right lane is for cruising and the left lane is for passing. Far too often, I'm stuck behind 2 cars, one in each lane, going equal slow speeds taking up and blocking both lanes. Even worse is when I'm on a single lane road, and I'm stuck behind someone going 10-15 miles under the speed limit!
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